We utilize the latest technologies to efficiently accomplish all tasks and hold strong to our motto “Using today’s technology and yesterday’s work ethic” as our most basic strategy for success. Upon completion of land surveying services, we offer our clients an opportunity to review our findings and the decisions we made to complete the project. This is often extremely interesting and beneficial for the client. It is our mission to help clients understand our process and let them know exactly what they can expect from us, and the benefits of our services.
Land Surveying Services
- Boundary Surveys
- Boundary Dispute Resolution
- Mortgage Loan Inspections (MLIs)
- Topographic Surveys
- ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys
- Existing Conditions Surveys
- As-Built Surveys
- Expert Testimony
- Records Research
- Subdivision Design and Layout
- Construction Layout
- Utility Layout
- Right of Way Layout
- Building Layout
- Condominium Conversions
- Site Plans for Municipal Permit
- Wetland Mapping
- GIS/GPS Mapping
Floodplain Services
- Elevation Certificates
- FEMA Letter of Map Amendments
- FEMA Letter of Map Revisions
- High Water Determinations
- Base Flood Elevation Determinations
Underground Utility Locating
- Visible and subsurface private location
- Ground Penetrating Radar
- Utility Mapping