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From BW-12 to GW-14 and Beyond by Terri Turner, AICP, CFM

Click the link below to read a recent article written by Terri L. Turner, outlining the impacts of the Biggert-Waters Reform Act of 2012, and the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014.

From BW-12 to GW-14 and Beyond...

Terri L Turner, AICP, CFM, is the Development Administrator / Floodplain Manager / Hazard Mitigation Specialist for the Planning and Development Department in Augusta, Georgia.  Ms Turner is the current Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) Region 4 Director and the ASFPM No Adverse Impact (NAI) Committee Co-Chair.  She has been awarded many prestigious awards in her career to include the 2010 ASFPM Local Floodplain Manager of the Year Award, the 2010 Mary Fran Meyers Scholarship from the Natural Hazards Center and was named a White House Champion of Change in 2012.  Terri spends most of her free time writing for national publications and traveling across the country lecturing on sound floodplain management, hazard mitigation, climate change adaptation, and sustainability and resiliency issues.